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How do I get a duplicate key in Canada?


Duplicating a key in Canada is not as difficult as it may seem. You can either go to a local locksmith or try one of the online services. Make sure to read the instructions carefully so that you don't end up doing something wrong. In Canada, you are legally allowed to make a copy of your existing keys as long as it is done for legitimate reasons. For example, if you are moving into a new apartment and the landlord gave you two keys but you only need one, you can make a copy of the other and keep it as a backup. You can also make copies of your keys if you lose them or if they are stolen (make sure that you inform your landlord about the theft so that they can change the locks if necessary). 

In order to make a copy you will need to first identify which type of key you have - this can usually be done by observing the holes on the key itself. If you are still not sure, you can try opening the lock with the key and measure the length of the key by using the ruler provided. Once you have identified the type of key that you have, you will be able to search for the appropriate tools online so that you can make your copy. There are many different options for making copies including 3D printers, lasers and even paper cutting machines. However, the easiest way to make a copy is by using a regular knife and a rubber eraser. If done correctly, the new key should fit the same lock as the original without any issues. You should keep in mind that it is illegal to remove or copy any keys belonging to someone else without their permission. 

In addition, it is also illegal to copy a key that is used on a vehicle such as a car or truck. If you are not sure whether or not you can make a copy, it is best to contact a professional. They can determine whether or not it is legal and provide you with further information if required. If you need to duplicate a lot of keys then it might be best to hire the services of a professional locksmith. They will be able to get the job done quickly and without any hassles. If you don't have a lot of money then you can try to find a locksmith in your area that offers special deals such as discounts or free services on your first visit. 

The rule of thumb is to ask around amongst your friends and family to see if any of them have used the services of a particular locksmith in the past. If they have had a good experience then it is likely that you will also have a good experience with the same company. Some locksmiths charge a flat fee for their services while others may charge you on an hourly basis depending on the type of job that they have to perform.

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